Presented by the California Film Institute, the DocLands Documentary Film Festival brings compelling non-fiction stories and the provocative insights behind them to Marin County, California 10-14 May, 2023
Sponsors will harness the exchange of ideas and insights through public screenings, engaged conversations and hospitality events, and provide leadership in a community of loyal, passionate people invested in documentary film.
We are dedicated to initiating connections and partnerships that will illuminate and invigorate the business and art of non-fiction filmmakers.
Join us. Be part of the story.
For sponsorship packages that are customized to meet marketing, advertising and sales objectives, contact:
Beau Blanchard, Corporate Development Manager
[email protected]
- WonderLands will lift your spirits through stories of joy, wonder and possibility.
- The Great Outdoors will transport us outdoors to truly appreciate, explore and ultimately compel us to save and conserve our environment and the wilds of our one precious and precarious world.
- The Art of Impact will engage and spark action by sharing stories that open our eyes to the global community and its disparate cultures, politics, personal narratives, and biographies.
Watch. Wonder. Get Involved.
- Dates:2-5 May, 2024
- Location: Smith Rafael Film Center • Downtown San Rafael
- Number of films to be screened: 25-30 total programs
- Estimated attendance: 10,000
- Major Events: Opening Night and Closing Night parties
- DocLands Presenting Sponsor: DocLands Presenting Sponsor
- DocLands Signature Sponsor: Sponsorship of a DocLands Strand & Opening – or – Closing Night Celebration
- DocLands Major Sponsor: Sponsorship of a DocLands Strand + one Film Program
- DocLands Silver Sponsor: Sponsorship of one DocLands Film Program
- DocLands Festival Sponsor: Sponsorship of one DocLands Film Program